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Ed. DSS 1371

Skladbe 1947-1979 za mlade pianiste

Compositions for young pianists

Izidor; Polžek leze v ogledi; Iz težkih dni (Begunci; V taborišču; Talci; Pesem gozdov); Uspavanka; Valček; Zimska pokrajina; Pastirčki pri plesu in kresu (Mala suita (1 - 4)); Ples komarja; Nekega pomladnega jutra; Groteskni ples

Isidore; A Cravling Snail Seeking a Companion; From the Hard Days; Lullaby; Little Waltz; Winter Landscape; Sheperd-boys Dancing at the Bonfire; Mosquito's Dance; Once upon a Spring Morning; Grotesque Dance

Author: Pavle Kalan

Solo: pf